
Fix a non-performing executive staff with knowledgeable professionals

The executive team of any business is only as good as its members. When placing a new person on one of these teams is critical, the company could be so focused on finding anyone that it overlooks the candidates' best traits. In the end any business succeeds or fails with the quality of its people, especially the management!

Appealing to the candidates who desperately need a job — any job — may get results, but the new employees won't necessarily be the best choices. Worse, hiring a person who is clearly not right for the job will just lead to more trouble later when he or she has to be replaced anyway.

However, it's one thing to know that "finding the best people" is important and another to actually be able to do this. In every industry and type of company, the level of knowledge needed for effective service will vary, and the difficulty in locating someone who meets the level of appropriate professionalism will as well.

Someone experienced in combing through many candidates for the professionals who make the most sense in a particular role will help companies "zero in" on the executives with the strongest leadership skills.

Startup CEOs looking to fill other executive roles can struggle placing employees in the right job. In an article for the Credit Union Times, retiring credit union CEO Ron Burniske specifically spoke to younger CEOs about the need to fill their companies with top performers.

"I know you have to run the business, but I would spend an awful lot of time making sure you have the right people in your credit union who know what we do, and that the people who represent us really understand what we need to be to be successful," he said.

A retained executive recruitment firm will be more helpful than a contingency firm in finding the best candidates, because they commit totally to each client and work closely with them for a solution.

Finding people is easy, but finding the RIGHT people is not. YES Partners helps companies FIND the right people – for all company functions, across many industries and globally.

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