
Gender differences and corporate success

The gender breakdown of a given workplace can influence its dynamic. According to a high-ranking executive at Proctor & Gamble, a more even mixture is best, despite the possibility for friction and clashing viewpoints. Roisin Donnelly, the marketing director of the corporation's British division, writes in a recent piece for Marketing Magazine that the best way for a company to succeed is to include both sexes working alongside each other. 

It might be daunting in some situations, especially when a company is introducing someone into a work environment that is predominantly run by the opposite gender. But this doesn't mean that the result has to be low performance, as Donnelly notes.

"I have seen time and again that a diverse team drives better business results with more creativity and innovation," Donnelly writes. She goes on to mention that the most successful approach to this type of management "invests time in understanding the strengths of each team player so that they can value the differences, work at maximum potential and have a lot of fun together."

This can be a crucial element for an executive search firm to consider. A 2013 Atlantic article reported on a study which suggested that when a workplace is structured around teams and employees are offered team-based compensation incentives, men and women become equally cooperative. The piece also noted that many Fortune 1000 companies have already implemented this strategy.

YES Partners, an executive recruitment firm, can help you discover executives who are capable of building and managing gender-balanced teams.

Finding people is easy, but finding the RIGHT people is not. YES Partners helps companies FIND the right people – for all company functions, across many industries and globally.

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