
Is the best CEO for you a diamond in the rough?

The best CEO for your organization could be one who doesn't adhere to the typical narrative you've come to expect from an executive. With the help of an experienced executive recruitment firm, you can find impactful leadership who doesn't have the exact resume for which you've been looking. 

Writing for TechCrunch, investor Mark Suster said that there are unconventional CEO choices who might not typically get proper recognition because they don't reflect the traditional image of someone working in a hot tech company.

He speaks to those people who might be a little older than the stereotypical founder, and suggests they ease their way into the world of startups by first working on a "fixer-upper" company, a situation in which they could prove their worth by navigating successfully.

"You will learn about running board meetings, setting up the ultimate financial plan, leading a team from the top, dealing with the press, raising capital, etc." he says of the duties CEOs at these kinds of companies will have on a regular basis "If you choose to be a fixer-upper CEO for two-to-three years you'll be ready for the big leagues."

Perhaps there's a highly qualified candidate out there who has worked his or her way up the ladder through this kind of executive experience and now has the knowledge and skills needed for a bigger role. You can put all of the different work situations that this person has experienced in context with the help of an executive recruitment team.

Finding people is easy, but finding the RIGHT people is not. YES Partners helps companies FIND the right people – for all company functions, across many industries and globally.

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