
How to keep a candidate from rejecting your job offer

Nobody likes rejection, and it hurts just as much for businesses as it does for individuals. While every recruitment cycle is likely to see some rejections, too many could suggest a serious problem with your process. What can you do to correct it?

Here are some common correctives to help your business get applicants to say yes. An executive recruiter can help you avoid some of the classic missteps that prevent you from getting top-notch candidates:

  • Appeal to the candidate's lifestyle: If a potential hire thinks the position will be too draining, time-consuming or keep them from other important life pursuits like their family, they could very well say no. There's only so much you can do in this situation, but emphasizing benefits of the position could make the offer more appealing.
  • Stay organized and in-touch: Don't assume your prospective CEO will be available forever. Taking too long to process an interview or putting the candidate through too many phases will eventually leave them frustrated and looking for another offer. Do your best to keep them informed about their status within the hiring process.
  • Offer a tailored salary: A CEO has every right to refuse if they don't like the salary or benefits package you're offering. Research  each candidate before the hiring process begins to find out what this person expects and their previous salary history.

No one can predict every reason why a person might say no to a good offer, but by thinking about how they'll respond, you can make some important changes. Working with an executive recruiter, you'll have an expert source of advice so the best people don't get driven away.

Finding people is easy, but finding the RIGHT people is not. YES Partners helps companies FIND the right people – for all company functions, across many industries and globally.

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