How many degrees are necessary for someone who wishes to head a startup? The answer depends on the industry and the needs of the company, but there seems to be a shift in thinking regarding how necessary an MBA degree is for those who aspire to be the CEO of an up-and-coming business.
In a piece written for Fortune, Dan Mitchell examined the notion that the MBA is losing value in the current marketplace and whether it's necessary for a startup CEO.
The example given is Snapchat, an extremely lucrative and successful company headed by a 24-year-old who only has an undergraduate degree. While a business professor cited by Mitchell argues in favor of the MBA, Mitchell takes the counter-argument that the lack of a higher degree is exactly what gives Snapchat its character and energy.
"American business history, both recent and long past, is filled with stories of owners with little or no formal business training either getting great deals for their companies or holding on to them and managing them to great success," Mitchell writes.
This seems to be part of a wider trend that an executive recruitment firm could help your business take advantage of. You may remember how, back in February, The New York Times' Thomas Friedman commented on Google's approach to hiring, which looks at less tangible parts of a candidate's personality instead of their grades. These desired traits include cognitive ability and capacity for leadership.
Your company doesn't have to think this way just because others do. Instead, working with executive search consultants can help you decide which traits you should prioritize.
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