
When are candidates most receptive to being hired?

Observant executive recruiters help businesses fill open positions quickly and efficiently. Timing in recruitment is important, and there are moments when candidates will be more open to a change in position.

One particular opportunity arrives every year: the work anniversary. In an article for ere.net, Dr. John Sullivan cites this as a perfect moment to target potential hires. Why? Dr. Sullivan offers several reasons.

First, he notes that anniversaries are usually times when a worker thinks about how long they've been at their job, which could cause the candidate to become more reflective. During this period, potential hires naturally begin thinking of moving on and furthering their own careers, which makes it a prime occasion for recruiters to step in.

Another reason is the way LinkedIn notifies users of job anniversaries. Sullivan notes that both the workers themselves and their contacts are informed of these milestones through this network, making them hard to miss. The anniversary could also be a period when candidates consciously adjust their LinkedIn profile as a means of finding newer work.

Perhaps most importantly, Dr. Sullivan says employees are simply statistically more likely to leave their jobs on anniversary dates, especially within the first three years.

"Smart sourcers and recruiters realize that the timing of the contact is at least as important as the attractiveness of the job and the company," he writes. "Rather than guessing or using trial and error to find the right time to make a recruiting contact, use hard data."

The good news is that there are more tools than ever out there for businesses to learn about candidate behavior and predict how they might act. An executive search firm knows how to use the available tools to find the best fit for you.

Finding people is easy, but finding the RIGHT people is not. YES Partners helps companies FIND the right people – for all company functions, across many industries and globally.

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