
When is it time for your CEO to become a more public figure?

Everyone understands that the CEO is the "public face" of a company, but some are more public than others. It all depends on the company's profile.

When a business suddenly starts to get more attention, the CEO may need to become more engaged with the world outside the office, especially when controversies arise. How an executive handles these situations, and being in the public eye, can greatly affect the organization's recovery.

All of this can be foreseen during the executive recruitment process and prepared so that the candidate chosen is able to respond to an influx of attention.

Business Insider recently reported on a company called CNYK that it dubs "mysterious." Although a little bit of mystery can help build interest in a venture, a great executive can keep a new company from being faceless.

CYNK has allegedly engaged in fraud to boost its stock value. However, adding to the public skepticism in the face of these charges is the fact that the company has reportedly had a string of CEOs since its founding in 2008. Those executives, following the scandal, have refused to comment to the press. Without a consistent individual operating as the personality of the organization, it is easy for any company to fall victim to the rumor mill.

Clear all of this up for onlookers (and have a cleaner corporate history and performance record) by finding the right executives with the help of an experienced recruitment consultant.

Finding people is easy, but finding the RIGHT people is not. YES Partners helps companies FIND the right people – for all company functions, across many industries and globally.

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