
Hottest jobs of 2016

Every year, job search and salary comparison site Glassdoor puts together a list of the 25 most promising jobs for the new year in a list HR and hiring managers can use to predict demand across the national job market. The roles that make the cut are those that score the highest across the following three categories during the previous 12 months: earning potential, career opportunities and number of job openings.

According to Scott Dobroski, a Glassdoor career trends analyst, these categories are tuned to reflect what Americans value most. "People really want to find jobs where they know there's career advancement and they can be promoted from within," says Dobroski, adding, "A 'best job' to have is also a job that you can get."

Standing at the top of this year's list is the Data Scientist position. A job with a median base salary of $116,840, there were more than 1,700 of these openings posted to Glassdoor as of January 8. Up next is the Tax Manager, with nearly 1,600 openings and a median base salary of $108,000. Coming in third is the Solutions Architect, with even more openings (2,900) and a median base salary of $119,500.

In ninth place, the Software Engineer role boasted the most opportunities, with 49,270 openings listed on Glassdoor as of January 8. Leading the way with the highest pay on the list was the twelfth place Software Development Manager, with a median base salary of $135,000.

While many of the jobs that made the list are in the rapidly-growing technology and healthcare fields, Dobroski notes that a number of these roles are in fact in demand across several different industries.

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