One of the most important executive roles in fast-growing startups, the chief technology officer position is evolving. On one hand, the role is inherently technical. On the other, the future direction of the company depends on the CTO's strategic efforts. The hybrid nature of the position makes hiring and interviewing difficult. Here are five qualities to keep an eye out for that could indicate your candidate will be an all-star.
1. Engineering knowledge
While CTOs are members of the c-level staff and require the additional management skills that go along with that role, their first and foremost responsibility is to make sound engineering decisions. Great CTOs should not need to rely on those below them for technical expertise, because it is their responsibility to oversee the engineers' strategic decisions.
2. Leadership experience
Great CTO candidates must have experience both designing technical strategy and managing people. As talented as an engineering department may be, it would be rendered ineffective without a leader who could see their projects through, learning from success and failure to promote growth and drive efficiency.
3. A strong network
As knowledgeable as your ideal candidate may be, it is inevitable that CTOs come across niche areas that they are not experienced in. In these cases, having a quality network is crucial to fill knowledge gaps and get specific questions answered quickly without having to hire specialists or consultants.
4. Tool savvy
While a large part of the CTO role is to develop tools that solve business problems, effective CTOs also know when the appropriate tools already exist. Not only must effective CTOs weigh the value of building their own solutions against the possibility of using existing ones, but to make this decision they must first be informed about what tools are out there. Simply knowing when to defer to existing technology can save a considerable amount of company resources and energy.
5. Big picture creativity
Sure, a CTO should be an expert on the technical operation of your product or workplace. But their real value comes from their ability to shape the direction of the technology your company utilizes. This requires a penchant for forward-thinking and big picture focus. This is what truly earns great CTOs their seat in a corner office. Working with a retained executive search firm can help your company identify CTO candidates who bring this level of industry leadership.
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