If your business doesn't already employ a Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), knowing when to hire one can be a difficult decision that depends on what stage of development your business is in.
One crucial step is to hire a CMO when attempting to branch out into different forms of social media and communication. There are many different marketing platforms available and more are constantly appearing, so companies should find the person who knows these options best. A CMO will be able to lead a campaign that takes your business into the market that it wants to reach.
A related problem is the difficulty of managing marketing budgets while trying to create a dynamic presence across multiple networks and through different sites. Because promotion and content generation is an involved process, a younger company may lack the resources to make it work.
Writing for Bloomberg Businessweek, Steve McKee suggests that businesses stop thinking about the things they can't do and focus on creative ways of working with the budget at their disposal instead. He says that defining the audience your company wants through pro-active campaigns helps improve marketing performance.
A talented CMO can prove their worth by helping you take charge. Kevin Tighe II of WeBRAND recently told Mashable why startups should turn to a CMO for help managing an expanding brand presence.
"A CMO should be experienced in effectively allocating a larger budget, optimizing campaigns and driving ROI," he said. "At this stage, marketing is extremely important and time-consuming. It is wise to put the budget in the hands of someone who has the experience, focus and foresight to drive results."
Companies choosing a CMO should feel confident that it has found a candidate who will successfully execute an effective marketing strategy. With executive search consultants on your side, you will find the candidates who aren't actively looking for a new job but are the best person to help you reach more people.
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