
How can companies find top-notch female executives?

Though recent years have seen more women in positions of power at corporations, companies of all sizes need to continue to proactively seek gender-balanced leadership. 

The PEW Research Center released a report centering around the opinions of 1,835 randomly-chosen respondents, 44 percent of whom believe there will soon be an equal number of men and women in top positions. When asked why there aren't currently more women in major executive roles, 43 percent of respondents said that they believe women are held to higher standards. Fewer than 10 percent thought that women "don't make good managers."

Writing for Entrepreneur, Mariah Deleon of Glassdoor pinpoints some of the strategies businesses should use if they are serious about including a greater number of women in executive positions. She specifically suggests expanding the traditional scope of recruiting and using channels that are capable of targeting female talent.

"Locate women's organizations in the area and visit them, consider advertising on women's employment websites and invest in targeted advertising of the company's job listings," he writes. "Consider the organization's participation on job boards and at career fairs at women's colleges. And ask current employees to help in referring talented women they know personally or professionally."

As always, recruiters with existing candidate relationships will have knowledge on how to reach the best executives, irrespective of gender. If improving diversity at your business is a top priority, a global executive search firm can help.

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