
3 ways CEOs can use social media

A CEO who understands how to use social media to grow their business has an advantage over those less in touch with technology. There's a difference between using these tools and using them well, however. Companies interested in new leadership should be on the lookout for potential CEOs who are frequent users of LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. Done right, these services can go beyond simple networking and help engage outsiders with the business itself.

Here are some of the ways that smart CEO candidates should use social media to promote their brand and increase their business' presence online:

  • Know each platform's strength: Each social media tool has its own uses. For example, in a piece for Entrepreneur, Stephanie Newby of Crimson Hexagon recently discussed how Twitter is useful for gathering industry information and reaching out to employees. Similarly, posting articles on LinkedIn can help connect the CEO with people who already work for the company, in addition to prospects.
  • Be honest but not overly promotional: Social media channels reward users who share thoughtful responses. As Ted Coine and Mark Babbitt write in a piece for Harvard Business Review,"Social CEOs are building their personal brand whenever they engage on social media, and when they do it in an authentic and generous way, they're also improving the company brand."
  • Address important issues: It can be risky to discuss provocative subjects on the web, but with a tactful approach, a CEO can use social media to encourage discussion about a difficult topic or issue an earnest apology. With the right tone, viewers will respond favorably.

Staying "plugged in" to the web is important for your business to see continued success. Working with an executive recruiter is helpful when targeting prospective candidates with specific skill sets.

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