
3 ways to bring talent to your team

Research suggests that companies that excel in their recruitment efforts experience 3.5 times greater revenue growth and twice the profit margins than those that are less skilled at bringing aboard talent. To improve your hiring process and philosophy, here are three tips that will help you attract the best candidates to your company. 

Start with a look in the mirror

Interviews are often structured around the goal of determining which candidate objectively has the best skills for the job. While this strategy can successfully sort the highly talented from the less effective, it fails to take into account the way a specific candidate will be able to adapt to your company's culture or commit to its long-term goals. Basing each interview on the result of some introspection to identify your business's core values can go a long way in helping you identify a candidate who will thrive as a member of your c-level staff. Not only will you be able to evaluate his or her skills, but you will have a framework with which to determine whether he or she exhibits the traits your company culture touts. 

Hire with the future in mind

Many companies enter a round of hiring set on finding the most accomplished person they can to fill the open position. While these candidates surely have a wealth of executive experience to offer, it may prove more of a burden than an asset, depending on the role. Hiring someone who is passionate about the subject area and seems committed to learning and improvement may end up being able to take your company further than someone who is less enthusiastic about the future of your industry, but has a track record of superb numerical performance. 

Don't be afraid to defer

When it comes to hiring especially talented or knowledgeable key-staff or executives, it may mean certain people conducting the hiring must be willing to hand over the title of "company expert" in a specific area. While it can be difficult to hire someone who will come in and perform better than them at certain functions, it is crucial to the growth of the company. While it can be tempting (and frankly, easier) to simply hire someone to whom you can give commands, hiring someone more knowledgeable than yourself will give both you and the department an opportunity to grow. Embracing their expertise can not only help both of you perform better at work, but will contribute to an overall culture of learning and mutual cultivation at your company. Working with a global executive search firm can help your company identify candidates who can add this kind of expert value to your company right away. 

Finding people is easy, but finding the RIGHT people is not. YES Partners helps companies FIND the right people – for all company functions, across many industries and globally.

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