
Breaking the glass ceiling: Executive recruiting for gender balance

How many women are on your executive team? If your company is like many in the United States, you can probably count your female executives on just a few fingers, if you have any women in high-ranking positions at all. Although women have been making slow and steady progress in accessing the top ranks of companies across the country, gender imbalance remains a serious problem for many organizations.

Correcting that imbalance isn't just a matter of fairness. It has also been shown to significantly improve companies' financial performance. According to a 2014 study by Credit Suisse, "companies displaying greater board gender diversity display excess stock market returns adjusted for sector bias." In other words, companies that have more than one woman on their boards bring in an average of 3.7 percent more in stock market returns per year than those whose governing bodies are old boys' clubs. 

Therefore, if you are about to initiate a search for a new executive, it only makes good business sense to try to bring some gender diversity into your company's leadership. Enlisting the services of an executive search firm can help you overcome some of the gender bias in your hiring team. Especially if most of the executives and people with hiring power at your company are men, getting an outside agency involved can reduce the chances that all of the top candidates will coincidentally end up being white males. At YES Partners, our extensive network allows our experienced recruiting professionals to find the right candidates for the job, regardless of their gender. 

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